Resisting Rest {the discipline of inactivity}

I can't be the only one that is still reeling from this surreal turn of events. March is cancelled. April is most likely cancelled. The rest of the school year is potentially cancelled. Summer is on probation, and nobody is able to see far enough into the future to make accurate predictions about the fall. It's absolutely nuts! But what is crazier is how I've been dealing with it. 

Week One {5 Baby Must-Do’s in the First 7 Days}

The first week of your baby's life is perhaps the most amazing and awe-inspiring as you watch them slowing begin to awaken to the world they have arrived in. But let's be real - those first 7 days are perhaps the most intimidating, terrifying and ultimately the hardest you've ever experienced to date! And instead of getting easier things tend to get harder, at least for a time. Although my husband and I both came from big families and had lots of experience with babies, when we brought our firstborn home from the hospital, many nights I would begin crying as the sun went down, so dreading the long night ahead. True story. And, no matter what you do or don't do, transitioning into life with a newborn is as painful as growing a limb. Or so I can imagine.

To the Mom Who Feels Alone

It's the lie we all believe: No one understands. No one really cares. Sure, we have friends... but at the end of the day, we are an island. I'm not entirely sure why we fall for this every time. Do we cower in fear to the idea that there is no one in our corner because we are afraid to let anyone in? Or is it that we secretly hope it's true because we feel so painfully isolated, our only comfort in the lonliness is believing that perhaps there is no one to comfort us. Regardless of why we believe it, the reality is that we do. It is a lie that the enemy has spun around mothers for centuries, and this Mother's Day I want to set the record straight.

This Mom’s Open Letter to Target: The Real Reason We’re Boycotting {It’s Not What You Think}

Dear Target, From the beginning of your business venture, your CEO's, executives, marketing teams - everyone down to my local branch manager - have dreamed up and executed a brilliant strategy. You realized that in order to secure yourselves a place next to Walmart you would need to hone in on a very specific consumer, one … Continue reading This Mom’s Open Letter to Target: The Real Reason We’re Boycotting {It’s Not What You Think}

The Stay-At-Home Mom That Stays At Home

Hello, my name is Jasmine and I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom. No, I'm not introducing myself at SAHM's Anonymous; more like the "stay-at-home-mom's that don't want to stay at home club". I can't help it - I can't sit still! NOT that I'm sitting still at home with my LIttle Miss and Mr. Not a chance! But … Continue reading The Stay-At-Home Mom That Stays At Home

How To Teach Your Kids About Modesty {And Why It’s Important}

I was at a BBQ recently with my 4-year-old daughter when she called me over to a little group of teenie-bopper girls she was sitting with. "Mom," she called in that infamous tell-tale voice, "We've got a problem." Upon my approach, however, I saw no spilled lemonade, everyone was smiling, and there wasn't a trace of blood anywhere. "What's the matter?" I asked, confused but not surprised. 4-year-old divas going on 35 always have a problem - they're like birds. They migrate to find drama and they usually go in flocks. "Somebody," she began, exaggeratedly peering around the group, "Has shorts on that are TOO short." She delivered her last line with all the confidence of an old grandmother lecturing those young whipper snappers, and no, to my horror and dismay, there was no way the comment went by unnoticed. It was well heard by everyone in the group. I wanted to melt into the floor. But she was right. Somebody DID have on shorts that were too short, and it was my 4-year-old that had the guile to address the problem.

Busy Mom’s Guide: Last-Minute Valentine’s Day

I love holidays! Especially ones that include roses, chocolate, and romance. Yes, that's me, I am absolutely a Valentine's Day sucker. But the difference this year is that I have no time. No. Time. Not that I couldn't make time, but I found it creeping up on me so quickly and before I know it, we're less than a … Continue reading Busy Mom’s Guide: Last-Minute Valentine’s Day